YAG Laser Procedure
Problems after cataract surgery are rare but can occur. Sometimes the tissue that encloses the artificial intraocular lens becomes cloudy and blurs the vision. This is known as a secondary cataract, even though it’s not a true cataract. This can develop months or even years after cataract surgery. This outpatient procedure is treated with a laser, called YAG laser capsulotomy.
What to Expect
The doctor will first use drops to dilate the pupil and then use a laser to make a tiny hole in the eye tissue behind the lens to let light pass through it. This outpatient procedure takes just minutes to perform. Most patients will have instant improvement to their vision while others will notice a gradual improvement over several days. Some doctors will prescribe anti-inflammatory drops for a few days after.
How to Prepare
No preparation is necessary, and patients may resume normal activities immediately.
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